Monday, October 11, 2010

Need an Extra Hour in the Day...

So, after my Mom commented that I needed to update my blog, here I am! School has started back and we are 1/4 of the way through the year. Dylan is wonderful! He has recently been moved to the 2 year old room (he'll be 2 in November) and is thriving in a new environment; he is sleeping in his big boy bed and will soon has a "big boy room" transformation; and he is so happy and loving! Here are a couple of pictures to get everyone caught up!
We spent a week in Cape Cod with Jeff's extended family in August (from Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Texas). We had a wonderful time celebrating Nanny (below) and seeing everyone again!
Emily Hull and Josh McGee (they met at their 10 year high school reunion) got hitched in September in a grand affair in Louisville, KY!
Meghan turns 30! and... she treated us to a wonderful girls weekend in Miami that was beyond fabulous and relaxing! I'm next in line for the big 3-0!
At the end of September, we celebrated Papa T's 90th birthday with all of Dad's family! Here is a rare Thompson/Brink family photo - we got most everyone to look at the camera!
This is one of my favorite parts of being back in Laurens. We have several friends with children near Dylan's age and we are having so much fun doing things together and having our children grow up together. Here we are at the Pumpkin Patch (the same day that USC beat Alabama! and it was Jeff's birthday - what a big day!)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Birthday Party Fun!

Carter (Claire & JP's son) turned 1 and we had a great time celebrating. It is so much fun to have all of our children grow up together - we even got Heather and baby Ben to come out! It was really hot, but the kids had a great time in the baby pools and the sprinklers!

Wofford Wedding!

We are getting close to having all the Wofford girls married off :). We had a blast at Sara and Jack's wedding and finally were able to have ALL of the girls in one place at one time! Congrats, Sara and Jack!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Happy Summer!

Summer is finally here and we are already enjoying it! It's nice to have some time to relax, read, and not worry about getting up at 6am! Here are some pictures from our recent trip to the beach. Dylan loved the sand and the water so much!

We tried to trick Dylan in to taking a picture... he would have nothing of it.

First trip in to the ocean with "Bop Bop" and Daddy.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

So, it's been 6 months...

Easter 2010

Facebooking takes up a lot of my computer time, so I have not done well with my blogging! Here's the "Top Ten of the Last 6 Months":

1. Dylan started walking! (and is now running) - October, 2009

2. Dylan turned 1 on November 24! We had a wonderful birthday with friends and family!

3. Christmas was wonderful! We spent Christmas morning in NH and Dylan got lots (too much:) from Santa.

4. Jeff and I embarked upon much remodeling in our house including painting all of the wooden trim work, having new windows, and doors installed, and changing out all of the harware in the house (there were other smaller things as well) - we are very pleased with the result and are settled in to our new home!

5. Baby Ben Peters was born to Heather and Barry Peters and now Dylan has another buddy!

6. It snowed a lot and Dylan was able to get some good playin' time!

7. Dylan went through several illnesses (ear infectins, stomach virus, upper respiratory infection, etc., etc., etc.)... and Mommy got 90% of all of them!

8. The school year is going well for Jeff and I and we are very much enjoying Spring Break this week!

9. Sara B., Melissa, and Emily all got engaged! (and Jeff's friends, Chad & Geoff:) - lots of fun events coming up!

10. Jeff finished and mailed his National Boards and we are enjoying the wonderful spring weather!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Long Time...

I haven't updated in a long time! Lots of things are going on. We are working on home improvement stuff and loving every minute of it! Jeff's parents are in town for a long weekend and so Jeff, his dad, and my dad worked on an enormous back deck this afternoon - "deck/house warming" to follow soon... because we'll have to test its structural integrity.

Dylan is absolutely wonderful and will be one in about a month - time flies!

Reading while being changed... this is the funniest picture ever!

Recent trip to Baltimore to see the Red Sox play! This was Jeff's 30th Birthday gift.

Laurens football game with Papa!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

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